Back to the Sender Prayer Points

We live in dangerous times, it’s a time people do evil unto others sometimes for no reason and lots of times for stupid reasons. If one is not praying enough, it could mean being a victim of such situations. Many people have died out to similar issues. In order to stay alive and fulfill God’s plan for your life, you must be willing to pray these “back to the sender” prayers.

powerful back to sender prayers

  • Lord, every evil collaboration among people seeking expression in my life be destroyed in the name of Jesus. Father, let all satanic attacks be sent back to the very ones sending them in the name of Jesus. Lord, please do not allow these evil people to perpetrate evil without having the evil hit their lives in the name of Jesus.
  • Father, I pray that all divination that is done against me be sent back to the sender in the name of Jesus. Whatsoever that is done irrespective of how and where it is done against me, I send it back to the sender in Jesus’ name. Every incantation and an evil word spoken against me is sent back to the sender in the name of Jesus.
  • Father, just as Haman was hanged on the gallows he prepared for Mordecai, Lord, let all my enemies and evil wishers be destroyed by the weapon they are planning to use to destroy me in the name of Jesus. Whatsoever they have prepared to hurt me or bring me down, father let it hurt and bring them down in the name of Jesus.

Also Read: Overcoming Witchcraft the Biblical Way

  • Father, every evil person staying in the darkness that is shooting arrows at me in the light, I send his arrow back to him in Jesus. The Bible says they will rise against us once but they shall fall before us seven times. Therefore, I sent back all his evil arrows sevenfold in the name of Jesus. I send back all the evil arrows sevenfold in the name of Jesus!
  • My Lord and my God, let my enemy fall into every pit the enemy has dug for me in the name of Jesus. Whether shallow or deep pit, let them fall into it by themselves in the name of Jesus. Let their pits swallow them up in the name of Jesus. Jesus, let them not escape it in the name of Jesus. Father, by the magnitude of pit, as they have planned, let them fall into it in Jesus’ name.
  • Father, every evil arrangement made against me for one reason or the other, please turn the table around in the name of Jesus. Let the evil arrangement be for the person orchestrating these evil plans in the name of Jesus. Whatever evil they are planning, let it happen to them the exact way in the name of Jesus. Irrespective of who is making the evil arrangement I come in the name of Jesus.
  • Father, every satanic agent running after my life, let him lose his life in the name of Jesus. Father, in the process where he is seeking my life, let him meet with his death in Jesus’ name. Where he is planning to take my life, let his life be taken instead in the name of Jesus. The death he wants plunge on me, father let it come on him in the name of Jesus.
  • Oh God my father, just has you substituted the children of Israel for the Egyptians in the red sea, let everyone seeking life who thinks he has gotten me to fall into his own prepared trap in the name of Jesus. Just as the Egyptians thought there will be no way for the children of Israel, Lord let the situation turn around in the name of Jesus.
  • Father, I send back all the troubles in my life to the sender in the name of Jesus. Let everyone responsible for the troubles in my life fall into the set troubles in the name of Jesus. Lord, arise and plunge them into every trouble they are putting in my path in the name of Jesus. As they plan more trouble against me, let them begin to fall into it in the name of Jesus.
  • Father, just as you saved Apostle Paul from the people that bound themselves with covenants that they would neither eat nor drink until he dies, Lord everyone that has bound himself with an oath that he will not live while I am alive, let him meet his end. You already said in your world that as we say in your ears so you would do. He has chosen death. I choose life for your word says I will live to declare the works of the Lord in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord, everyone chasing off mercy and help from my path, let him not find mercy and help in the name of Jesus. Lord, as he forbids me from getting help, let help not locate him in the name of Jesus. In whatever way he is blocking help from getting to me, let him not find help in the name of Jesus. I send back to him his evil attack on me in the name of Jesus.
  • Father, I pray that every evil coven where my name is been mentioned for evil, let the coven and all the people meet their doom in the name of Jesus. Father, as they mentioned my name, let the Holy Ghost fire mixed with thunder fall on them in the name of Jesus. Lord, no one is allowed to mention my name for evil in any evil coven, let the fire of God fall on them in Jesus’ name.

This looks like the right prayer to pray in this season where people lots of evils are flying everywhere. Instead of having to think about prayer points to fight back, simply ask God that their satanic and demonic wishes will fall on them just as they are throwing evil arrows. So, keep praying until you are convinced in your spirit that the prayers are answered.

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