Curses and strongholds are one of the majors holding people back and destroying the fortunes they would have used to showcase the glory of the Lord. Many people have died without showcasing God’s glory in their lives while they lived miserable life. Right now, there are several people still battling with this and unable to make headway in life.
Curses may sometimes be about a particular area of one’s life. This means being cursed does not mean all areas of life will be bad. This is why many don’t agree they are cursed until there is a need to explore that area of their life. If you have seen traces of the operations of curses and strongholds in your life, then you are reading the right piece. Please see below prayer points you can pray to break curses and stronghold.
Prayers for Breaking Curses and Releasing Blessings
- Father, I pray that you reveal every secret behind the curses and strongholds of my life in the name of Jesus. Father, grant me access to the insight and revelation of the secrets of the curses and strongholds disturbing my life in the name of Jesus. Please, Lord, show me the secrets even if it is the past before my parents were born, it can not be hidden from you. And where I caused it, please don’t let it be hidden from me oh Lord. Let this no longer be a secret to me in the name of Jesus.
- Lord, every curse and stronghold I have caused and given authority to operate in my life, please have mercy on me. By your mercy oh Lord, arise and let all curses be broken and strongholds be torn apart in the name of Jesus. Lord, my power can not abolish these curses or take down the stronghold but I have come to hide in your name for the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and he is saved. Let your name break all curses and stronghold in the name of Jesus.
- Father, please judge everyone born of a woman that is instrumental in upholding the curses and strongholds in my life. Enough is enough! Let such individual or group of people collide with the rock of ages in the name of Jesus. Let every power, divination, and incantation they use begin to fail and work against them in the name of Jesus. The word of the Lord already says no divination or weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. It is so in the name of Jesus!
- Father, I ask for guidance to pray the right prayers to put an end to all curses and strongholds in my life in the name of Jesus. The Bible says we do not know how to pray but that the Holy Spirit helps us. Dear Holy Spirit, I need you to put an end to these curses and strongholds in the name of Jesus. Grant me inspiration to pray the right prayers in the name of Jesus. Show me all that I need to know to direct my prayers to the right channel in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit please pray these prayers through me until the victory is ascertained in the name of Jesus.
- Father, your word says that never again will it be said in Israel that the fathers ate a sour grape and the children’s teeth are set on the wedge (Ezekiel 18:1). Therefore, every curse and stronghold that originated from the activities and wrongdoings of my ancestors can no longer operate in my life because the word of the Lord says so. I know that the word can not lie, I hereby break the influence of the curses and strongholds upon my life in the name of Jesus.
- The word of the Lord says that everyone will die for their own sins, therefore I can no longer suffer for the sins of my ancestors in the name of Jesus. Ezekiel 18:4 and Jeremiah 31:30 already declare this truth. And God said He will make a new covenant with children not like the one He made with the ancestors (Jeremiah 31:31), I am a carrier of that covenant, therefore no curses and strongholds can prosper over my life in the name of Jesus. Lord, your covenant supersedes all other covenants over my life in the name of Jesus.
- Father, open my eyes to see all that I am doing to strengthen the operations and activities of strongholds in my life in the name of Jesus. Lord, show me every satanic template that I am running in my life unknowingly that keeps making the strongholds prosper in my life. Please, grant me the will to stop these satanic templates irrespective of what it will cost me in the name of Jesus. Even if it is inherited or learned as a new advanced way of life, please open my eyes and grant me the power to drop them in Jesus’ name.
- Lord Jesus, your word in Romans 8:2 says that I have freedom through from the law of sin and death by the law of the spirit of God by which I am now saved and live by. Therefore, every sin and law that gave rise to curses and strongholds in my life when I was ignorant no longer count because I am now living in a new life of God. The law of sin and death has been judged already, and I am now in Christ Jesus. Curses and stronghold can no longer prosper in my life in the name of Jesus.
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With these prayer points, you can easily break curses and strongholds in your life. Not like easily in literal meaning, but that you already have access to the prayer points that can help you break the influence of curses and strongholds in your life. Please note this is an issue that comes with some sort of peculiarity for each person. So, the Holy Spirit may inspire other prayer points as you pray for a breakthrough.