Prayers for Deliverance from Evil

To begin with, we need to understand what deliverance means. Deliverance means setting people free from whatever is oppressing and subjecting them. It also means to rescue people. In this regard, it means being rescued from evil. Evil is anything that makes people bad or destroys them. So, in this piece, we shall be raising prayer points to be delivered from evil.

freedom from evil

  1. Lord, I repent from all my sinful paths that may have allowed evil in my life in the name of Jesus. For scriptures says that it is not that the Lord’s hand is too short to deliver but that sin has allowed this evil. Please have mercy on me, forgive my sins, iniquities, and transgression that have put evil in my life in the name of Jesus. Let the evil come to an end in Jesus’ name. 
  2. Father, I hang on your word in Psalm 91:3 which says that you will surely deliver me from the snare of the fowler and noisome pestilence. Therefore, I make a demand on this word that it becomes my experience in the name of Jesus. That is my going out and coming in, I am delivered from all sorts of the snare of the fowler and noisome pestilence in the name of Jesus. 
  3. Father, your word says a thousand will be fall by my side and ten thousand by my right-hand side but it will not come near me. Lord, I bank on this word in the name of Jesus. With this, I believe no evil will befall me because you will deliver me from all evil whether in the day or night in the name of Jesus. Even when people are complaining of evil, this will not be my experience in the name of Jesus. 
  4. Father, I come against every principality and power used to wheel evil against me and my household in the name of Jesus. Deliver me from such powers and principalities in the name of Jesus. Whatever evil that is orchestrated by these powers and principalities, let it be void over my life in the name of Jesus. Deliver me from all such in the name of Jesus. 
  5. Lord, in Psalm 50:15, you say I should call upon you in the day of trouble that you will deliver me. Here I am my God, please deliver me from all evil and troubles that have besieged me this day in the name of Jesus. This is the day of trouble, please come to my rescue, my Lord and Saviour. Father, confirm your word in Psalm 50:15 over my life, and I will glorify you in the name of Jesus. 
  6. Psalm 34:19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers them from all. Lord, I am righteous because you are my righteousness, please deliver me from all evil in my life in the name of Jesus. Please take off every of the affliction upon my life in the name of Jesus. Let me experience the truth of your word in Psalm 34:19 in the name of Jesus. I stand on this word for my life in the name of Jesus. I am delivered from all evil in Jesus name!
  7. Lord, according to Job 5:19, you will deliver me from all troubles and evil. Father, I claim this word and let it become evident in my life in the name of Jesus. Save me from all evil and troubles bent to end my life in the name of Jesus. Let no evil touch me Lord for your word already says you won’t allow evil to touch me in the name of Jesus. 
  8. Lord, please deliver me from every demonic evil orchestrated over my life in the name of Jesus. Lord, please deliver me from all demonic operations putting evil in my path in the name of Jesus. I refuse to experience this because the word says that the path of the righteous shines brighter more and more. I claim this over my life and path in the name of Jesus. 
  9. Father, deliver me from all devilish individuals and groups orchestrating evil in my path and life in the name of Jesus. Let their evil fall on them in the name of Jesus. Lord, save me from all such evil put in place on my path, life, and household in the name of Jesus. Arise, oh Lord, and fight for me that such evil will not befall me in the name of Jesus. 
  10. Father, I come against every evil pronouncement standing against my life and household in the name of Jesus. Lord, who is it that speak when you have not spoken, therefore let every evil pronouncement seize in the name of Jesus. Only God’s thought and words are allowed to play out in my life. Not human words is allowed to speak and stand against me or bring evil upon on my life in the name of Jesus. For those that I have been operating before, I break off them in Jesus name. 
  11. Father, I come against every repeated tragedy in my life and household in the name of Jesus name. I come in the name of Jesus and by the covenant of the cross through which I am redeemed and I declare that every repeated tragedy over my life and household has come to an end in the name of Jesus. The Bible says, let no one trouble me because I bear the marks of Christ on my body in the name of Jesus. 
  12. Father, your word says I will thread on snakes and on deadly things, and it shall not hurt me. It even went on to say I will take poison but it will not cause me any harm. Therefore I bank on this scripture for my deliverance against all forms of evil in the name of Jesus. I stand by the power of Holy Ghost against all evil that none shall prosper over my life in Jesus name. Thank you Jesus because your word is yea and amen. This becomes my reality going forward in the name of Jesus.

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