Prayers to make you Fearless

Fearlessness is a state of the mind where people are able to dare and do things in the face of fear and unpromising situations. Fearlessness is not the absence of fear actually, it is just the conquest of fear to forge ahead irrespective of the situation staring at you in the face.

Fear is a limiting factor and power that has held people bound from fulfilling their God-given dreams and aspirations. Therefore, one must war against fear if you intend to go far in life. The scripture is clear that God did not give us the spirit of fear, wherever it comes from, it must be fought against. Here are prayer points for fearlessness;

12 Prayer Points for Fearlessness

  1. Lord, I come against every spirit of fear in my life in the name of Jesus. Let all forms of operations of the spirit of fear become void in my life in the name of Jesus. I refuse to be influenced by the spirit of fear in all my endeavors in the name of Jesus. I will not be a victim to the spirit of fear in any way in the name of Jesus. 


  1. Lord, grant me the capacity for audacity as I pursue the things that you have for me in the name of Jesus. I receive spiritual audacity to do great things in the name of Jesus. Where I need to act and get things done, I will not be limited by fear in the name of Jesus. Therefore, I receive the audacity to make an exploit in the name of Jesus. 


  1. Lord, I pray that I will not be limited by fear in the name of Jesus. Every limitation set on my path by the devil to be implemented by the spirit of fear is hereby made of no effect in the name of Jesus. I conquer and surpass all limitations in the name of Jesus. I conquer all forms of fear in the name of Jesus irrespective of the origin. 


  1. I call on the fire of the Holy Ghost on every sorcerer terrifying me with fear in the name of Jesus. The scripture says no weapon fashioned against me to terrify me shall prosper in the name of Jesus. Lord, let your fire fall on witchcraft made to instill fear into me in the name of Jesus. Whether it is an individual or group, let your fire fall on them in the name of Jesus. 


  1. Lord, I come against every fear of the unknown ruling my life in the name of Jesus. I refuse to work by the fear of the unknown in the name of Jesus. I work by the guarantee and reality of the word of God in the name of Jesus. The word of God dictates my path and announces my results in the name of Jesus. I believe the word of God against the fear of the unknown in the name of Jesus.


  1. Father, help me to know who I am in you in the name of Jesus. Help to understand the possibilities and opportunities that are available to me in you that fear may be quenched naturally in the name of Jesus. Lord, please grant me a knowing in my spirit that will kill fear completely in the name of Jesus. 


  1. Lord, the Bible says you are my light and salvation as a result of which I will fear no one. Please be my light on every issue that is driving fear into my life in the name of Jesus. Father, just be my salvation on the matter and let fear be a forgotten issue on it in the name of Jesus. Be my salvation and let it be evident that you have helped me in Jesus’ name.


  1. Father, your word says you have not given us the spirit of fear, therefore I receive boldness to bring to pass all my goals in the name of Jesus. I become fearless in my pursuit of the call of God and purpose for my life in the name of Jesus. I enter into the spiritual dimensions of fearlessness in the name of Jesus. 


  1. Lord, I separate myself from all the friends that network fear into my life in the name of Jesus. Just as your word says evil communication corrupts good manners, every friend that is taking away my confidence and substituting it for fear is hereby disconnected from my life in all ramifications in the name of Jesus. Help me to distance myself from all such unprofitable friendships in the name of Jesus.


  1. Father, I clear out every toxic emotion putting fear in my life in the name of Jesus. I take control over my emotions in the name of Jesus. I channel good energy into my emotions by the power of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus. No fear will be generated by my emotions but confidence and fearlessness to pursue God’s purpose for my life in the name of Jesus. 


  1. Father, I receive strength from above to face all the sources of my fear in the name of Jesus. I receive great strength to combat them and triumph over everything that is causing me to fear where there is no fear in the name of Jesus. I walk in the dominion of my Lord Jesus Christ.


  1. I affirm that I am a carrier of God and that nothing borders me or subjects me to fear in Jesus’ name. Things don’t happen to me but I make things happen in order of positivity by the power of the Holy Ghost resident in my life in the name of Jesus. For the word of the Lord says that God dwells in me and I overcome because of this fact therefore there is nothing to fear. I move in audacity to create things in Jesus’ name. 

Also Read: Prayers Points Against the Spirit of Discouragement

With these prayer points and the affirmation, you can walk yourself out of fear into the audacity to make things work for you. While you pray, be sure to be sensitive just in case the source of your fearful life is not covered in the prayer points above. Then deliberately take your affirmations and avoid people or events that bring you into fear until you have received the strength to face them. 

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