Prayers for when you are Feeling Overwhelmed

The state of being overwhelmed is a painful state where one often loses sight of what to do. It is a point in one’s journey where everything becomes too bogus for you to carry, and moving forward becomes impossible.

feeling overwhelmed

Jesus was at this point in Gethsemane where his prayer was like drops of blood. Usually, before anyone gets to the point, they have tried all they know without results and at such a point, what is next is to turn to God. So, here are prayer points you can pray through if you ever get overwhelmed at any point in life;

  1. Father, your word says that I should be careful for nothing but to bring all requests before you. Father, please hear my pleadings and prayers that I have consistently brought before you. I am overwhelmed and perturbed by not seeing answers to my prayer, please grant me answers from above in the name of Jesus. 


  1. Lord, Jesus I do not doubt that you are with me in this raging storm of my life just as you were with the disciples in that ship that almost capsized. Lord, I cry out today just as the disciples did when they were overwhelmed. I am overwhelmed Lord, please silence the storms in my life in the name of Jesus. 


  1. Jesus, I am overwhelmed but your word says that my present suffering is not compared to the glory that will be revealed in me, please show me a glimpse of the glory that shall come on me in the name of Jesus. Help me to see what you have for me that the feeling of being overwhelmed may meet its doom in my life in the name of Jesus. 


  1. Lord, at a time like this when I feel overwhelmed, please grant me strength in the name of Jesus. Infuse me Lord with your strength so that I can go far and achieve more in spite of this overwhelming situation in the name of Jesus. Let strength be released from above for me in the name of Jesus.


  1. Father, the Bible says God is our refuge and strength, and ever-present help in trouble. Please, Lord, show forth as my refuge now in the name of Jesus. I need your help more than ever now, please help me, Lord. I am not asking that you send me help but I am asking that you help me in the name of Jesus. Be my help my Lord and Savior because I am overwhelmed!


  1. Father, your word in 1 Peter 5:7 says that I should cast all my burdens on you that you care for me, Lord, I am overwhelmed at this point in my life, please sort it out because your word says you care for me. Father, settle my life and give me peace over this overwhelming life in the name of Jesus. 


  1. Father, I come against every satanic manipulation to consistently put me in overwhelming situations so that I can lose track of your purpose for my life in the name of Jesus. Let all satanic calculations meant to overwhelm me to lose track of God’s will in my life fail in the name of Jesus. I scatter such arrangement by the fire of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus. 


  1. Father, I come against every overwhelming situation magnifying itself bigger than my God in the name of Jesus. I declare that my God is bigger than any situation that is making me feel overwhelmed and I walk in the aura of my God with the solution to the situation in the name of Jesus. All overwhelming situations are hereby reduced to nothing in the name of Jesus.


  1. Lord, I am overwhelmed, please give me rest from all this toiling and life of hardship. Father, I have come before you, please make my life easier. Jabez was overwhelmed, he prayed and you heard him, Lord please hear my prayers and take me away from this overwhelming life of hardship just as you did for Jabez in the name of Jesus. Give me a new life as you did for Jabez in the name of Jesus. 


  1. Jesus, my savior, and Lord, I can not be trapped in this overwhelming situation in the name of Jesus. When the children of Israel were overwhelmed at the red sea, you made way for them and if it is true that you change not as you say in your word, please come to my rescue and make a way out of this overwhelming trap in the name of Jesus. 


  1. Lord Jesus, I ask grace to overcome this overwhelming situation in the name of Jesus. The Bible says I am of God and He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world, therefore I receive the grace to overcome overwhelming situations in the name of Jesus. As far as no situation can overwhelm God and I am of God, no situation can overwhelm me in the name of Jesus.


  1. Lord, the Bible says that all things work together for our good we love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. Please let all these overwhelming experiences be to my good in the name of Jesus. Let them begin to work out for my good beyond my imaginations in the name of Jesus. 


  1. Father, I consent to the dictates of your will for my life in the name of Jesus. When my master and Lord was overwhelmed, all he prayed is that your will for my life be done. Please Lord, let your will for my life be done in my life in the name of Jesus. Father, I submit to your will for my life even if it makes me feel overwhelmed in the name of Jesus.

Also Read: Powerful Prayers for the Depressed and Suicidal

While these prayer points may help to pray off the overwhelming situation and feelings away, they are generic prayer points for feeling overwhelmed. In most cases, everyone that is overwhelmed usually knows why they are overwhelmed. It is advisable that you pray for the specific reasons that made you overwhelmed. It could be debts, sickness, satanic attacks, failed business, etc. Whatever makes you feel overwhelmed should be prayed through particularly.

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