Prayers for Future Wife

The first gift God gave to man is marriage.  In the Garden of Eden, God as a loving Father was quick to observe that Adam was lonely, even when Adam himself did not realize this. God was very intentional about creating a partner who would fit perfectly into Adam’s life and satisfy his desires.

The Bible describes in detail, the process God went through in creating the perfect wife for Adam. He made Adam go into a deep sleep, just like surgeons do when carrying out a delicate operation. When God was done, He presented Eve to her husband and then blessed them both, (Genesis 2:21-24).

Finding that specific woman who would eventually become your wife is one of the most beautiful gifts a man could ever have because it not only satisfies the need for love and companionship; it opens a floodgate of blessings and success for you in the future. The Bible says in Proverbs Chapter 18:22 that “The man who finds a wife, finds a treasure and he receives favour from the Lord,” NLT.  As a Christian man, you must understand that a wife is a treasure indeed. Treasures are quite rare and not easy to find. They are most times hidden deep beneath the earth and when they are finally discovered; they are polished, perfected and protected like the owner’s life depends on it. A treasure appreciates in value as the years go by and most times it is almost priceless. That is why you find some owners hardly ever their treasures. They keep them as family heirlooms to be inherited and protected by their descendants.

Take note of the “three Ps” mentioned in the last paragraph. When you finally meet your future wife, she will certainly not be perfect, so are you ready to polish her? Are you ready to continue perfecting the work that God started in her? Are you ready to protect and defend her with all the resources you own? God chose men to be the head of the home obviously for a good reason. The responsibility of a successful home depends on you. You have been given divine authority to ensure that your partner and indeed the offspring borne out of your blessed union will thrive under your rulership. You are like a king who must ensure that his kingdom is functioning at its best. Therefore, you need to work on yourself to make sure you are prepared to take on the role of “husband” and succeed at it. You must ask God for the grace and ability to know how to switch your roles from husband to lover, friend, brother and father when dealing with her. The first thing you need to work on yourself is your character. You must be a man who is able to express love to his future wife without any inhibitions. You must be able to show compassion and affection because women are very sensitive beings. You must be able to pay attention to what she likes or needs at a particular time. You must also be ready to make yourself available for her as much as you can whenever she needs you.

Draw up a list of the qualities that you desire in a wife. It is very important that she must compliment you in so many ways. She must compliment your ideals about life. For instance, you both should look forward to sharing the Word together and praying together. Love and romance is sweet. Most people may even tell you that love is blind to flaws and shortcomings, but marriage is the eye opener. You both shall need constant prayers and divine wisdom to help you have a smooth sailing. She must be able to respect you and trust in your capability as the head of the home. She should be eager to assist and encourage you to be the best version of yourself. She must compliment your ability for wealth creation. Managing affairs should also come naturally to her. Her ability to cope with challenges and to tackle them with solutions should also be one of her God-given skills. These are qualities that help a marriage endure.

Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus is one bible character we do not give enough credit to. He was a perfect gentleman. As was the custom in his time, he was betrothed to a young sixteen year old virgin named, Mary. He was to marry her in a short while when she came of age. Then he discovers she is pregnant. He asks her who the father of her child is, knowing that he has never touched her. She tells him she got pregnant by the Spirit of God. Imagine how ridiculous that must have sounded in the ears of a devout Jewish man; how he would have looked at his future wife for insulting his intelligence by telling such a “blasphemous lie.” The penalty for pregnancy out of wedlock was death by stoning. Joseph knew this but he controlled his misgivings and decided to divorce Mary quietly to protect her honor. Most men would have flown into a rage and reported the matter to the Jewish authorities responsible for meting out punishment for such crimes. God appeared to him in a dream to confirm Mary’s story because he remained calm, (Matthew 1:18-25). As a man it is very important to keep a calm head when faced with crisis. You will always hear the wisdom of the Lord, when you remain calm.

Also Read: Praying for Future Hubby


  1. Heavenly Father, I pray that my future wife would have a Godly mission. Let her set as her priority a thirst to become an ambassador of Your kingdom through her character and life choices. Let her seek for ways to operate as a Godly woman in her home and workplace and in her relationship with others. Let her life become an inspiration for the generations to come in Jesus mighty name, amen (Matthew 6:33).
  2. Lord, prepare my woman to become a wife. Work on me as well and prepare me to become a fitting husband to this noble woman of honor and strength that you will bring my way as an everlasting treasure. Father, please help her step confidently into the role that You have prepared for her. Thank you Lord because I know You will bring us together very soon as life partners. Help us become the people You desire so we can live out our callings together in Jesus name, amen.
  3. O Lord, I pray for my future wife’s character, integrity and honor. Give her the grace to establish a moral code that meets with Your standards. Give her a teachable heart and spirit so that there is always a space for growth within her. Let her be eager and willing to submit herself as a vessel to You the great Potter who would mould her to your specification and Your glory in Jesus name, amen.
  4. Father, give me the grace to love her all the days of my life. When I do not find a reason to love her or whenever she would upset me, give me the grace to love her even more. Let her become my priority. Give me the ability to polish her, perfect her and protect her as my priceless treasure all the days of our lives. Give me the ability to provide for her and my household in Jesus mighty name I pray, amen.
  5. Father, I call out loud all the qualities I have listed for a future wife, (begin to call your list out loud). Bear me witness today o Lord that these are the desires of my heart. Show me favour and grant them for me in Jesus name, amen.
  6. Father, I pray towards the relationships of my future wife with her family and friends. Lord, I know that marriage works more smoothly when the people in our circle are supportive of it. I also know that one day I will join her family and become family with her parents, relatives and friends. I am praying ahead that all these people will be supportive of our relationship. May her parents readily give me their blessing to marry their daughter and may my family give us their blessings too and love her as their own, in Jesus name, amen.
  7. Father, your word says blessed is the man who does not follow the advice of the wicked or stand around with the ungodly. May Godly people surround us o Lord, and encourage us and challenge us to become better people in Jesus name! Let them help to keep us accountable and inspire us to pursue a godly lifestyle. Give our community the grace to help us grow and if there be a single person in our circle who will stunt our growth, or pull us down, gently remove that person so that we can achieve our full potential through You in Jesus name, amen (Psalm 1:1).

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