Praying for a Family that is Grieving

When a family grieves, it is not something that is easy to hold in good faith. It is downtime for the entire family. Irrespective of who they lose to the cold hands of death, it is never easy. Death means they will never see the person again. That is the most painful thing about death. Everything they ever share with the person can no longer go on, all they have now are memories.

Praying for such a family is crucial, especially at the moment when they are grieving. Apart from a physical visit to encourage them, and prevent them from doing anything bad to hurt themselves, praying for them is very important. We need to uplift them in prayers to make sure they get out of the hurt and heal as soon as possible. We will be raising prayer points you can engage in for the family that is grieving. Please find them below;

  1. Father, though we may not understand the reason for the loss because You do not think or see things the same way we do, in all you have told us to give thanks. So, we give thanks that things are not worse than we have right now, and we pray that your glorious plan for this family will come forth and will be evident for all to see in Jesus’ name.
  2. Father, in spite of this grieving moment in this family, Lord let your glory shine forth in the name of Jesus. Father, let your glory shine through and on every member of the family in the name of Jesus. We know you are the great one and with you, there is no loss because all things work together for good. Therefore, your glory shines forth in this family in Jesus’ name.
  3. Father in Jesus’ name, we ask that you comfort this family over the loss. Though it is an irreplaceable loss in the natural, please comfort them in Jesus’ name. You alone know how to comfort them, and what true comfort means to them, please comfort them in all ways that matter to them in Jesus’ name.
  4. Lord Jesus, let your love fill the blank left by the deceased in this family. At this point in time in this family, let your love be evident to all members in the name of Jesus. Please Lord, let them feel your love more in this dark season of their lives in the name of Jesus. With your love Lord, draw them closer to you for an intimate comfort in the name of Jesus.
  5. Father, as this family grieves, help them that they might not sin to you. We know that this loss is painful and it may trigger many things but let them not sin in their words and thoughts in the name of Jesus. Father, uphold them in Jesus’ name and keep them sinless throughout this difficult time in the name of Jesus. Father, be their help and guidance that they may not sin in Jesus’ name.
  6. Lord, please help them that they may not lose faith in you in Jesus’ name. The weight of the pain is no doubt much, but please keep these ones in you Lord. Don’t allow their faith in you to fail because of this loss in the name of Jesus. Help them to keep their faith in you even in these trying times in the name of Jesus. Jesus, please help their faith. Let their faith not fail in Jesus’ name.
  7. Father, we come against every satanic agenda and plan for this trying time in this family in the name of Jesus. Let every of his plan and agenda fail woefully in Jesus’ name. Let every opportunity the devil may want to use to further his plan and agenda be void in the name of Jesus. Satanic plan for this trying time will not prosper in the name of Jesus.
  8. Father, we pray for this family in Jesus’ name that as they mourn now, another loss will not come up. Lord, let not more mourning or loss arise in this family in Jesus’ name. We pray that you destroy all satanic plans against every family member in Jesus’ name. We pray that this will not be an evil trend in Jesus’ name. Let all evil plans be void in the name of Jesus.
  9. Father, we pray that you do something new and big in this family that will override their pain from this loss in Jesus’ name. Lord, give them beauty for ashes in the name of Jesus. Override their pain with something definite and great in Jesus’ name. Let their pain from this grief be forgotten and be replaced with great things in the name of Jesus.
  10. If there are satanic agenda for more mourning in this family, let it not come to pass in Jesus’ name. We shield every family member with your power in the name of Jesus. Let each and every one of the family members is protected that even if they walk through the valley of the shadows of death, their life will be saved in you, Jesus.
  11. Lord Jesus, visit this family and give them a new song. Let a new song come forth from their mouth. Jesus please heal this pain of grief in the name of Jesus. Father, let there be emotional healing for this family in the name of Jesus. Pay them a visit and heal their pains in the name of Jesus. Jesus, you are the great physician, visit and heal them!

Also Read: Morning prayers for family and friends

These prayer points are not an exhaustive list of the prayers that can be prayed for a grieving family. An important part of praying at any point in time is to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. This will mean that the Holy Spirit leading you with prayer points for the family. That is more effective because it will address the exact things that God wants to address in their case. So, as you pray the above prayer points, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit for His leading.

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