Opening Prayer for Church Service

The gathering of the saints unto the father is a great thing that God delights in. God delights in having us around. That is the reason He was visiting Adam in the cool of the day. If the gathering unto the Lord in a church service will be worthwhile, we must do it right. It must be cultivated. That cultivation is done via prayer. In this piece, we shall be raising the prayers to open the church service.

First, to begin the church service, the first prayer we will need to pray will be in accordance with Psalm 100:4. The Bible says we should enter into His gates with thanksgiving and His court with praise. The church service is all about entering into these two places; the gates and courts of the Lord. That is where we get to achieve the objective of the church service in the first place. So, whether it is a prayer meeting, Bible study, Holy Ghost service, etc, the protocol is stated in Psalm 100:4.

  1. Father in Jesus’ name, we give you all the thanks and adoration for who you are. You are the I am that I am, the king of glory, the ancient of days, the holy one of Israel. We thank you for who you are in Jesus’ name. Thank you because you are our father, sustainer, helper, and lots more. Let your name be glorified in Jesus’ name.
  2. Lord, we glorify your holy name for the opportunity to come before you at this point in time. We say glory be to your holy name. It is a great grace that we are here before you in your presence. Thank you for the grace granted unto us at this point in time that we can be before you to be in your presence in Jesus’ name.
  3. Jesus, we give you glory and adoration for the opportunity and grace that you pour on our lives to be numbered and called by your name. That we are called by your name is a great one for us and we say thank you. We do not take this for granted Jesus. We just want to say thank you for this grace and opportunity you afford us in Jesus’ name.
  4. Lord Jesus, we have come to you at this hour, let our coming unto you not be in vain Jesus’ name. In Isaiah 45:19, you said you will not let the seed of Jacob seek you in vain Lord. Let us not see you in vain as we gather unto you in Jesus’ name. In this service Lord, let every one of us be blessed in this service in Jesus, name.
  5. Father, as we begin the church service, let every vessel showcase what you want to do in our midst in Jesus’ name. Fill every vessel with your power and let it flow to everyone in attendance in Jesus’ name. Let every one that will stand before your people speak only what you want to speak to us in Jesus’ name.
  6. Jesus, help your vessels to be sensitive in the spirit to your move as we begin the service in Jesus’ name. This will not be an ordinary service in Jesus’ name. Let the earth kill heaven in this service today Jesus’ name. Help every minister to discern your word and moves so that your people will be blessed in Jesus’ name.
  7. Father, we come against every distraction or tool of distraction used by the enemies to make people lose their blessing in the service in Jesus’ name. We receive wisdom to be wiser than the enemy in Jesus’ name. All tactics and distraction tools of the enemy are frustrated in this service in Jesus’ name.
  8. Jesus, let there be a supply of your spirit for this service today in Jesus’ name. Only the supply of your spirit can make this church service great for us. Jesus, let there be a supply of your spirit among us in Jesus’ name. Let the supply of your spirit be great Lord that everyone be reached beyond a reasonable doubt in Jesus’ name.
  9. Jesus, let there be a true shift in the lives of everyone that is in attendance in this service in Jesus’ name. Father, let there be light to outshine every darkness in lives in Jesus’ name.  We seek a major shift, one that our lives will never recover from in this service in Jesus’ name.
  10. Lord, as we go into the service, let there be deliverance, illumination, healing, revelation, consecration, salvation, and much more. Jesus, please reach out to the people in their needs in Jesus’ name. Please reach out to us in every one where they need you the most in this service in Jesus’ name.
  11. Father in Jesus’ name, we do not want to human in action at any aspect of the service. We want to see you alone in Jesus’ name. Let only your glory radiate in the premises and from every activity in the service in Jesus’ name. From the beginning to the end, let it be all about you and evident to all in Jesus’ name.
  12. Father in Jesus’ name, let there be encounter in this service. Let it be evident that you reach out to every desiring heart in Jesus’ name. Let people have a well-meaning encounter that will change their lives and draw them to you in Jesus’ name. Let there be encounters in Jesus’ name.
  13. The scripture says that we should do all things in the name of Jesus, therefore, we open the service in the name of the father, son, and the Holy Spirit. From the beginning to the end, let it be full of you in Jesus’ name. We declare that you reign in the service from the beginning to the end in Jesus’ name.
  14. These are prayer points used to open a church service irrespective of the king of church service it is. However, some other prayer points may be added based on the specificity of the church service that is about to start. These are general prayer points for opening church service, engaging them sincerely as you begin the church service is all you need to do.

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