Powerful Prayers for my Niece

Powerful Prayers for my Niece

Having a niece is one of those things that excite people, it means you have simply turned into an uncle or an aunt. For many, this is a high milestone even though this is not dependent on them. Why it may be fun and exciting, first that you have a young girl to relate with, it also comes with some responsibilities.  Yes, responsibilities, and I mean it because you will need to maintain that relationship and live up to expectations from your niece’s perspective too. After all, you are either an uncle or an aunt.

One of the important responsibilities that this comes with is what we are about to discuss in this piece. That important responsibility is praying for your niece. I understand your thought may have been on giving things to your niece. Yes, it is part of it, and you must as well live a life that is worthy of exemplifying. Praying for your niece is one great gift that cannot be underrated because prayer does wonders for both the person praying and the person being prayed for.

Prayer Points for my niece

One key prayer for the young is growth. Even the Bible recorded the same for Jesus Christ. That God will cause my niece to grow in all ramifications in Jesus’ name. She will grow in stature, wisdom, and in favor with both God and men in Jesus’ name. These three things will not be lacking in her life in Jesus’ name. They are cardinals of growth and have the capacity to tell how far anyone can go in life. And where each of these three matters the most, she will not lack any in Jesus’ name. (Luke 2:52).

For a niece who is of a younger generation, may God grant her wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in Jesus’ name. At least she needs this for exploits in her studies and in her relationship with other people as she progresses. It is normal to ask for God’s wisdom, knowledge, and understanding for kids or the younger generation because their education is a concern at an early stage of their life. They also need it to be creative and provide innovations for the world.

It is my prayer that you find God as you grow in Jesus’ name. Lord Jesus, I pray that you meet my niece personally. Let her find you in Jesus’ name. Let her experience you beyond a reasonable doubt so that she can know you as her personal Lord and Savior. Let her salvation be sure in Jesus’ name. This is the best decision anyone can ever make on earth but Lord I am asking that you help her so that she can find you easily and not lost out in the salvation plan. (Mark 8:36).

Dear niece, may God lead you through the times and seasons of your life in Jesus’ name. As you enter into each season of your life, may God grant you the understanding of times and furnish you with the knowledge of all that is expected of you based on the kingdom agenda in Jesus’ name. You will not be ignorant of your seasons. God will fill your understanding with great things and mysteries of your life as it is planned by God. (1 Chronicle 12:32)

It is my prayer that as you grow in the kingdom of God, may God empower you with everything that you need to fulfill God’s purpose over your life in Jesus’ name. God knows all you need to fulfill the kingdom’s agenda for your life, He will supply all your needs according to the riches of Christ not according to your needs. Everything such as relationships, gifts, affluence, knowledge, materials, ideas, revelations, etc will be supplied accordingly as you need them in Jesus’ name. (Philippians 4:19).

Also, it is my prayer that she walks in her purpose and grows in it, may she never outgrow the dependence on God. This is the path that many went through that made them lose out with God. I pray that you would not go on the path where God is not moving in Jesus’ name. You will not become arrogant to God in Jesus’ name. Irrespective of the situations and events that may come your way, I pray that you will not become arrogant to your creator in Jesus’ name. This is why some don’t end well, but for you, my niece, God will help you.

Father in Jesus’ name, I pray that my niece not only walks in her divine purpose but that she will be an instrument to bring others to the knowledge of Christ Jesus and raise other generals in the kingdom in Jesus’ name. Make her another Paul of her time that will deliver mysteries of the kingdom and disciple great men in the kingdom. I am certain that you can do much with a man Lord and that is why I am praying that you use her for great exploits for the kingdom.

With these prayers for the niece, if it is prayed from the depth of God, the future of the niece is secured. This is a greater gift compared to giving out money. This is not to mean that you should not gift other things like money and material, it is just advice to do this more. If the prayer is well done, you may not need to do much material giving because all would have been provided for. So, keep the prayer going even in your secret place, just make sure you are sincere with the prayers as you pray. (Numbers 14:28)

If you understand that these prayers can shape the life of your niece and provide God with another general for His Kingdom, you would realize that you are actually raising an arming for God as an uncle or aunt. You are fulfilling God’s agenda too. You may not disciple thousands but if you can deliver one person for Christ through your prayer who in turn delivers millions to Christ, you have done the kingdom a great good. (Ephesians 2:10)

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