How to Pray for Someone to Love you back

Human beings are created to thrive best as a community. We are always in need of human contact. We function better when we interact with people or when we know there are people who care for us. Loneliness is a terrible state of mind.

That is why it was a common form of punishment for people who lived in Europe during the medieval era and in ancient Africa. People were banished from their homes, villages and community at the time to either live in forests, caves and with complete strangers who practiced strange customs. The consequences of banishment included the pain of separation from loved ones, separation from the land and the people one knew, but above all, the ultimate consequence was loneliness. People avoided crimes that led to banishment because they could not stand the pain of loneliness. 

You might be presently in a relationship with someone who does not love you the same way that you love him or her. You may have noticed that your partner is most times nonchalant about making you feel loved and you are always the one who initiates acts of love. It could really hurt when you think about it. It could be very discouraging when you are the only one who keeps showing love in a relationship and the person you love hardly notices your efforts or reciprocates the gesture.

It must have been terrible experience too for Leah because the Bible says Jacob did not love her but loved her sister, Rachel instead. One cannot really blame Jacob for his inability to love his first wife because he made it very clear from the beginning that it was Rachel whom he desired, loved and wanted to marry. However, Laban his father in law tricked him and forced him to marry his older daughter instead, even after Jacob had paid his dues by putting in seven years of labour as condition for marrying the woman he loved. Laban said it was against his custom to give out a younger daughter in marriage when the older one was yet to be married. He made Jacob work another seven years for him if he really wanted Rachel. Jacob was in love with Rachel and so he accepted the bargain, (Genesis 29:1-30). Jacob was now saddled with two wives, given to him one week apart. Leah must have thought that there would be ample time to win Jacob’s heart and turn his attention towards her. Try as hard as she could, Jacob always preferred Rachel and loved her and her children more.

One thing you must consider when desiring for someone to love you back is to be sure if it is a lost cause or not. There are questions you must ask yourself like: “Is it worth it?” Or “What is so special about this person that I cannot find in someone else?” it is important to understand that when you are desiring to start a relationship, it must be of mutual benefit to you and that person and not a relationship desired for principally selfish reasons. If you are sure that your reasons are noble and selfless, then you should believe that there is nothing that prayer cannot change.

Siobhan belongs to a pious Irish Christian community where young ladies are expected to be demure. It is almost taboo for a lady to be the first to express love to a gentleman. She had her eyes on Shane, but he never seemed to notice her. Siobhan had been in two relationships before now, but there was no intimacy involved. She wasn’t that shy but at the same time she didn’t want to appear to be too forward or desperate to her love interest. What she didn’t know at the time was that Shane was extremely shy and has never been in any relationship with a girl before. She tried a couple of times to strike up a conversation with Shane, but he would reply with a few words and couldn’t wait to run away. She thought he didn’t like her. She was confused and didn’t know what to do to gain his attention. She knew that he had good qualities and was a good Christian man. They had worked in a few outreaches together and she saw the passion and dedication he applied to God’s work. She knew he would make a fantastic partner but how to get through to him was a challenge.

She remembered the Bible encourages us to take up all our worries and burdens to God in prayer. She prayed and asked God for wisdom on how to engage his attention for longer. She told God that if it was His will for them to be together, He should cause something to happen that would draw them together and make them bond. A few months later, their church needed volunteers to visit a children’s hospital in Dublin on St. Patrick’s Day. They were to cheer the children up and celebrate with them. Siobhan was part of the planning committee. She was pleasantly surprised to find Shane there as a member of the committee too. As they worked closely together to plan the children’s party, they slowly bonded. They laughed out loud while reminiscing on the games they played as children which they were going to introduce as amusement for the kids at the party. Shane soon discovered that he felt very comfortable being in Siobhan’s company. He began to loosen up and talk more. On the day of the party, they and the children had fun putting on their costumes and painting their faces. Most of the children could not move around much, so the volunteers entertained them with dancing and making silly faces as they hopped around the room. The event ended with the two friends feeling happy and animated. Their mission of putting smiles on the faces of sick children was accomplished and so was a strong friendship that had struck between them. Before long, Shane opened up to Siobhan about his extreme shyness and she helped him overcome it. They ended up having a very valuable and loving relationship only because Siobhan wisely broke the “female decency protocol” and took a chance at going for the man she loved.

Here are a few ways you can pray for someone you have your eyes on to love you back.


  1. Heavenly Father, there is this person that I truly cherish. His/her name is (call their name). I am not sure if he/she feels the same way about me. I’ve been trying so hard to make him/her notice me and the special kind of affection I have in my heart for him/her. I think of him/her every minute and it’s difficult to take my mind off him/her. Father, You know him/her more than I do, so I leave everything for you to work it out for us. Please take control of this situation o Lord and make him/her see how I feel about him/her, in Jesus name, amen.
  2. O Lord, I humble myself before you. No matter how strong my feelings are for (call their name), I acknowledge that Your perfect will for me supersedes my desire. I ask that Your will be done in my life. If You permit it, let him/her be drawn to me and let us bond in a lasting relationship. If it was not meant to be Lord, please give me the grace and strength to move on with my life and not waste my time. Help me kill any desire I may have for him/her so that I can channel my energy toward more positive things.
  3. O Lord, you know my intentions toward (call their name) is pure. I have no plan to hurt or set him/her back in life. I ask that you examine my heart to see that all that is in there is a pure love that I have for him/her and cause him/her to desire me in return in Jesus name, amen.
  4. Lord, I ask that You release whatever stands in the way of my true love seeing me. Make the one I love to also see me in the light of love and make every line fall for me in pleasant places. Bless me with a living testimony of Your love in Jesus name, amen.
  5. Relationships are beyond our power as humans. No matter what we do or say, everything is still left in Your hands o God and you turn our hearts in the direction that You please. Lord, I ask that You take absolute control over my feelings and the feelings of (call their name). Grant us a love so unconditional and strong. Let us bond as partners and let our relationship grow stronger and translate into a happy home in Jesus name, amen.
  6. Lord, please give me insight and patience to wait until my prayers are answered for I pray all in Jesus mighty name, amen.

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