Discouragement is a major tool of the devil to make people lose faith in God and His word. If Satan can make anyone subscribe to the spirit of discouragement, then he can make that person miss God and the great plans God has for that person. This is why this is very important and must be taking seriously.
Whatever that will make you miss God and His plan for your life must be fought against with everything. Spirit of discouragement must be stopped before it begins operation or else, it may destroy all what you have been building with God for years. So, in this piece, we shall be raising prayer points against the spirit of discouragement and its operations.
Fervent Prayer against the Spirit of discouragement
- Father, I come against every spirit of discouragement in my path in the name of Jesus. By the power mighty in the name of Jesus, I silence the spirit of discouragement in my life. The spirit of discouragement cannot prosper in my life in the name of Jesus.
- Father, your word says whatever I cast out here on earth will be cast out in heaven, I hereby cast out the spirit of discouragement in my life in the name of Jesus. I come by the authority in the word of God, and I cast out the spirit of discouragement in all that concerns me in the name of Jesus.
- Lord, I come against all the operations of the spirit of discouragement in my life in the name of Jesus. My life is not a field for the operations of the spirit of discouragement because the life that I live is the life of God. There is nothing that binds the spirit of discouragement with the life of God that I now live. I put an end to the operations of spirit of discouragement in Jesus’ name.
- Father, I ask for wisdom to deal with everyone that the devil is using to bring discouragement in my life in the name of Jesus. Jesus, please grant me wisdom to live and work with people that the devil is using to bring discouragement to my life without getting discouraged in the name of Jesus.
- Father, every event that the enemy is using to instigate discouragement in my life is hereby rendered void and useless in the name of Jesus. Lord, irrespective of how important these events may have seem before now, as long as it is used to facilitate discouragement in my life, let it lose its relevance in my life in the name of Jesus.
- Lord, I pray that you dislodge all forms of doubt that the enemy has planted in my life and path to bring about discouragement in the name of Jesus. Father, no doubt is allowed to prosper in my life in the name of Jesus. Father I come against all doubt irrespective of how it comes in the name of Jesus.
- The word of the Lord says that no weapon or divination fashioned against me will prosper, therefore every incantation spoken against me to bring about discouragement is rendered useless and powerless in the name of Jesus. In as much as the word of the Lord settles it that it will not prosper then I come against it in the power of the word of the Lord in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I pray that you grant me a deeper faith in you that the spirit of discouragement may not win over my life in the name of Jesus. Just as the disciples prayed that you help their faith, Lord help my faith in the name of Jesus. Please help my faith that the spirit of discouragement may fail over my life in the name of Jesus.
- Lord, help me to grow my faith above the operations of the spirit of discouragement in the name of Jesus. As I read and listen to the word of God, please increase my faith because the Bible says faith comes by hearing the word of God. Therefore, Lord grant me deeper faith in you in the name of Jesus.
- Lord, every arrow of discouragement shut at me catches fire in the name of Jesus. All the evil arrows of discouragement is hereby taken out of my heart and path in the name of Jesus. Lord, help me to remove all forms of discouragement in the name of Jesus. Help me to be sensitive to identify and take out all forms of discouragement in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I bring my heart before you for a spiritual surgery in the name of Jesus. A spiritual surgery that will take out all demonic thoughts of failure or fear in the name of Jesus. Every image of failure spread across my heart that the devil wants to be using to give access to the spirit of discouragement in my life is hereby burn out with the fire of Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I submit my heart to the word of God in the name of Jesus. Irrespective of the facts and figures militating against my faith, I give my heart to the word of the Lord in the name of Jesus. My heart will not be discouraged in the name of Jesus. Every form of discouragement sent into my heart fails in the name of Jesus.
- Lord, from now on, I refuse to be discouraged in any way or form in the name of Jesus. I refused to be downcast in the name of Jesus. I receive strength, and my faith receive strength far above spirit of discouragement in the name of Jesus. My faith is boosted in the name of Jesus. It is boosted far above explanation in the name of Jesus.
Also Read: Prayers against Feeling Overwhelmed
With these prayer points spirit of discouragement can be silenced. For this to be possible, simply pray with the whole of your heart in the name of Jesus. And as you pray, endeavor to be sensitive in the spirit to block all forms of ways discouragement the way it comes.